

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

87 / 88 / 89 / 90 / 91 / 9293

The lion demon rubbed his aching mouth. “Let’s leave the Tang Monk alone. Wukong is dangerous.”

The raptor nodded.

“Bah!” The elephant demon waved his hand. “I’m not afraid of that silly monkey. I have a perfect plan to defeat him and capture the Tang Monk.”

The lion shook his head. “The last time you had a plan, I wound up with a broken tooth.”

The elephant snorted. “Just leave everything to me.”

Wukong returned to his companions. He heard Bajie and Wujing arguing.

“We can’t go home!” shouted Wujing.

“We’re on an important journey.”

“But Wukong got eaten by the lion demon,” said Bajie.

“Without Wukong, we’ll never get to the Western Paradise.”

“Here I am!” said the monkey.

Everyone spun around.

“You’re alive!” cried the Tang Monk.

“Yes, I am,” said Wukong. “I beat up that lion’s insides and broke one of his teeth. The demons are scared of me now. They promised to let us cross their mountain safely.”

“That’s wonderful,” said the Tang Monk.

Wujing helped the monk climb onto the horse. The other travelers started walking.

They hadn’t gone far when they saw a large figure ahead, blocking the road.

“That’s the elephant demon,” said Wukong with a frown. “What is he doing here?”

“We want the Tang Monk!” shouted the elephant.

The Tang Monk fainted.

Wukong turned to Bajie. “I’ve been dealing with these demons all day. It’s your turn to fight them.”

Bajie sighed. “Okay.” Waving his rake, the pig charged toward the elephant. “You’ll never harm my master!”

The elephant blocked the rake, spun around, and struck back.

Bajie jumped out of the way.

The elephant jerked his head, and his trunk shot out. Before Bajie could duck, the trunk wrapped tightly around his body.

Wukong groaned as the elephant ran off with Bajie. The monkey turned to his companions.

“You two wait here. I’ll go save the pig.”

Wukong returned to the demons’ cave and turned into a fly. He found Bajie deep inside the cave. The pig was tied up, floating in a tub of salt water.

Wukong changed back into himself and untied his companion.

“Thank you,” said Bajie. “Those demons were planning to pickle me!”

“You’re welcome, Bajie,” said Wukong.

“Now let’s—whaa!”

The elephant’s trunk wrapped tightly around Wukong’s chest. Then the elephant stepped out of a dark corner.

“I knew you’d come to save your friend,”said the elephant. “Now you cant protect the Tang Monk. My trunk is very strong!

Wukong’s arms were still free. He pulled out his iron bar, which instantly grew. With all his strength, he slammed it down on the elephant’s trunk.

“Ow! Ow! Ow!” the elephant cried. He released Wukong and fell backward. His trunk had a horrible purple bruise.

Wukong moved toward the elephant, his iron bar raised high.

The elephant’s eyes went wide. “Please don’t hurt me anymore! We’ll let the Tang Monk cross the mountain!”

The monkey glared at the elephant for a moment. Then he put the iron bar away.

“You’d better not trick us again.”

Wukong and Bajie left the cave and returned to their companions. The group continued over the mountain.

As the travelers came around a bend, they saw the lion and the elephant. The two demons were blocking the road.

Wukong stomped toward them. “What are you doing? You promised to—”

“Wukong, help us!” cried the Tang Monk.

Wukong spun around. The raptor had grabbed the monkey’s companions with its talons.

With a powerful flap of its wings, the giant bird flew away.
1.beat up [ˌbiːt ˈʌp]  痛打;殴打;(对…)忧心忡忡;(因为…而)自责
Then they actually beat her up as well...
2.faint [feɪnt]  adj.(光、声、味)微弱的,不清楚的;微小的;可能性不大的;不热情的;不积极的 v.昏厥 n.昏厥
The walkers were faint from hunger.
3.tub [tʌb]  n.盆;桶;(塑料或纸的)饭盒,食品盒
There were tubs of flowers on the balcony.
4.talon [ˈtælən]  n.(某些鸟类,尤指猛禽的)爪
Research on Design of Talon Combination Springs



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